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The 15th Tripartite Presidents Meeting (TPM)

DATE2019-06-05 HIT1717

The Fifteenth Tripartite Presidents Meeting
among NIER, CRAES and NIES

At the invitation of President CHANG Yoon Seok of the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) of Korea, delegations led by President LI Haisheng of the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES) of China and President WATANABE Chiho of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) of Japan visited Busan, Korea to attend the Fifteenth Tripartite Presidents Meeting (TPM15) from October 29 to November 2, 2018. In the opening session, President CHANG Yoon Seok welcomed delegates from CRAES and NIES, and expressed his gratitude to Busan City government. He also extended his appreciation to Working Group (WG) members for their hard work in making arrangements for the meeting. He pointed out in his speech that cooperation is the key to addressing environmental problems at domestic and international level. Hence, he made an emphasis on the role of TPM in providing the cooperation platform for researchers and scientists among the three institutes. He mentioned that Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) will play a role in observing air pollutants and its relevant in the North East Asia region. The satellite data could be shared for joint cooperation in the future.


National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyong-ro 42, Seogu. Incheon. Republic of Korea (Zipcode 22689)
TEL 82-32-560-7114 FAX 82-32-568-2033